Just a girl, standing in front of the internet, asking them to read her theatre blog.


Hi, internet. My name is Lori, and welcome to my theatre blog (or, as my grandma would call it, my “blob.” She mixes up words sometimes. It’s cute and charming, and certainly not alarming. Hi, grandma).

In this blog, expect to see my reviews of shows I go see in Toronto, New York and beyond. Expect to read posts on Broadway-related news (and my reactions to said news), posts on the industry at large, and ramblings on theatre-related topics. This blog is a space for theatre fans to geek out together, so I really hope you feel welcome here!

To provide a bit of background, I’m a theatre kid through and through. I’ve performed in numerous musicals and operas/operettas, and my real love is singing. But I studied economics in undergrad and business in grad school, so I guess I’m sort of a theatre kid sellout. Nonetheless, though I’m performing less now, I love seeing and talking about shows. I’m based out of Toronto, but I married a New Yorker, so we go to NYC pretty often. My day job is management consulting (i.e., giving companies my opinions on their operations..see a pattern?), but I’m also actively interested in producing/investing in theatre. For now, though, I’m just a theatre enthusiast with a laptop.😊

I’m not sure how you found your way here, but I’m glad you did. I started this blog because I love theatre, writing, and I have a lot of opinions. I’ve never taken a Myers-Briggs personality test, but I imagine I would certainly fall in the “judging” category. Full disclosure here: I’m not a professional critic (at least, not yet) – I’m just one person with thoughts. So you may agree with my opinions or not, but I hope at least you’ll be entertained!

Welcome, and enjoy my (totally unbiased, entirely correct) thoughts.

– Lori